There are Managers

with a Big M - who know how to make their practices run like clockwork.






and there are managers

with a small m - People who cope, survive or get by through adversity, mostly because nobody has taught them how to do things differently.

Growing Managers

Who Grow Practices.


A Big M Manager will -

make a struggling practice perform, make a demotivated team raise their game, and take the pressure off a tired, overloaded boss.

Every Practice Should Have One!

And yet most of the people who are expected to manage an Independent Practice have received next to no training, guidance or support!

Growing Managers

Who Grow Practices.

"My Managers and I have completely changed the way the practices work.

Joining Big M is one of the best business decisions that I've ever made."

Elliot Bateman

Bateman's Opticians

12 Months of Project-Based Learning for Practice Owners and Their Managers.

This is learning made enjoyable and practical.


There will be -


A learning centre crammed with tried and tested systems and tools, with detailed guides on how to roll them out.


Coaches - who will be with you every step of the way to plan your progress, answer your questions, help you get over the speed bumps and hold you accountable for being the very best that you can be.


Fortnightly tutor groups to share ideas, learning and experiences with your fellow Big M students.


There won't be -

There won't be lecturers, there won't be text books, there won't be classrooms and there won't be exams!

It's a Programme Where Practice Owners and Managers Work Together and Become a Team.

For any business to be successful it must have the right balance of Leadership and Management and while the roles are different, the Leaders (practice owners) must know what their Managers are doing and how they are doing it.

Consequently this is a programme for two people who will work on the projects together as they grow into and develop their different roles.

At the end of the programme they will have developed a new level of respect, understanding and teamwork that will enable them to continue to grow a secure, profitable business.


The Projects

Every Big M Project will have

1 - A clear objective that defines what success looks like

2 - A benchmark system for creating that objective

3 - Tried and tested tools and resources

4 - Support while you fine-tune the system for your practice

Pick Your Projects

We have selected the projects that experience tells us make biggest differences to growing independent practices and will encourage you to implement all of them during the programme.


We also understand that every practice is different and there is "no one size fits all" solution for an independent practice so we will work with you to prioritise the projects and set a timetable for their implementation.

Management Skills Projects

1 - Standards and Systems

2 - Planning

3 - Time Management

4 - Project Management

Objective -  Plan and implement individual and team projects on time and review the results.

Team Projects

1 - Team Comms

2 - Training Plan

3 - Delegation

4 - Rolling Review

5 - Bonus for Growth

6 - Recruitment

Objective -  Get the right person in the right job.

Practice Performance Projects

1 - The Scorecard

2 - Break Even and Profit Planning

3 - New Patients

4 - Recall

5 - Database Marketing

6 - Customer Experience

7 - Customer Feedback

8 - Sales Systems

9 - Price Planning

10 - Frame Stock Control

Objective -  Define and update the frame stock profile that ensures that you have the frames that people want to buy without wasting funds on dead stock.

Make Your Practice a Big M Practice

Individual Login to the Big M Hub.

This is a growing collection best practice tools and training on how to make them work in your practice.




Quarterly review and planning sessions.

Your Practice Building Coach will help you asses your business, make plans and review your performance.

Fortnightly Tutor Groups.

Where you will share learning, questions and experiences, make your plans and be held accountable for making them happen.

About Us

Practice Building is dedicated to helping Independent Opticians create businesses that are secure, profitable and completely aligned with the life goals of their owners.




Phone:. +44 800 840 3988


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